
Clause Statement Westwell owns the copyright and other IPRs of issued content or content jointly issued with partners, including but not limited to all product and service content and information on the Westwell website.
Without the written consent of Westwell, no company or individual can use, replicate, modify, transcribe, or transfer the preceding products, services, information, and materials or use and sell them with other products.Westwell will claim for legal liabilities from those who infringe Westwell's copyright or other IPRs.

Trademark Statement WESTWELL is a registered trademark of Westwell and its affiliated companies, which is protected by law. Those who violate shall be held liable. Without the written consent of Westwell or the trademark owner, no company or individual can use, replicate, modify, transcribe, or transfer this trademark or use and sell it with other products.Westwell will claim for legal liabilities from those who infringe Westwell's trademark right.

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Quick identificationof abnormal indicators

Effective diagnosis of fault causes

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If you require in-depth consulting, please contact our O&M team.
After-sales tel.: 4009932959(UTC+8) 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Sunday
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